Friday, September 19, 2014

Packed Sardines

I was writing this as I sat on the floor at St. Peter's Square enjoying the beauty before me, as well as people watching. People watching is always the best...and watching the changing of Swiss Guards ( I didn't post this earlier as I didn't have time! Now, 2 days later I am getting to it!) 

So, for class, we were going to the Catecombs of Priscilla. We were to meet our professor by 8 at a Piazza and then get on the 8:15 bus to the Catecombs. Now, of course there has to be some sort of crazy adventure in the trip... And there definately was! Some of the class was a bit late. So we decided to leave them to find it on their own, as the tour started at 9am. As we were deciding to stay or leave, we saw the one bus we needed. My professor looks as me, and says' "should we run for it?" I responded, "why not! Andiamo! "(Let's go!)" So we did and saw that the bus was packed beyond belief and there were 20 of us..... Uh oh... 
We squeezed on the bus like a can of sardines, a bit close for comfort ( but thankfully we knew each other...) 
Too bad 5 of them didn't make it... And so they waited for the next one...cutting it a bit close! 
We get off the bus and my professor looks around and says... "Oops"... I say, "Dont tell me we are lost!!"  No, he said, we just got off 3 stops too early, so we will have to walk a bit more... Lovely. Just what I want to do at 8:30am. We walk and all of a sudden he says, " it's supposed to be here, where is it!?" Seriously, not again...! We finally found it, with 5 min to spare. Phew! Now, the kids that didn't get on with us called me and asked to talk to the Professor... I handed him my phone and be told is he would be back becuase he was going to go get them.... Ok then... Don't get lost and don't lose my phone, I said... Thankfully he made it back with them and we all proceeded on the tour... 
Our tour guide was super funny- as we walked along, at one point some do the group was talking over him and be says, "shut up!" A second later, dead silence. "Wow that worked, he said" we all laughed becuase we couldn't believe he just said that and he was like, " I could say it in Italian, but you wouldn't understand and it wouldn't do any good. 

Now, we weren't allowed to take any pics  ( you can look it up though and see pics...). Anyhow, the tour was amazing!!! The Catecombs go for 8 mi... ( you have to have a guide... Or you would get lost and they wouldn't be able to find you for hours... If at all). Very interesting and kinda scary as we saw many dark places and caves that we rather not know what was in there. Other than scaring my friend half to death, we made it out and had a nice adventure back home to make it to out next class at 11:15. We got back at 11am. Cutting it close, yet again. 

Later that night, a small group of us had Gelato with the amazing Seminarians at Pope Emeritus Benedict's favorite Gelato shop. Gelato never gets old and never disappoints. I feel fine eating it a lot because I walk everywhere 24/7, unlike a lot of my friends who take the bus and Metro. (I only use it if I have to) 

Today was a long and busy day, but pretty good. The weather is starting to change and clouds are coming more often. I don't like that- I need the sun! I'll live though, rain or shine :)
Tomorrow will be even longer. We have a 4 hour walking excursion out in the city with our class seeing many sites. This means I really need some rest now so I don't look like a zombie in the AM. :P Buonanote! (Goodnight)

Praying for u all- Peace and Blessings! 

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